
ActforEaling is a central hub for anyone interested in environmental action in Ealing.

The aim of ActforEaling, created by Ealing residents as a climate action hub, is to boost local action to combat climate change and restore nature and biodiversity with the support of the council.

Climate Action and nature restoration is everywhere in Ealing and we want to get our scout troops, cargo bike couriers, community gardeners, menders, birders, upcyclers, food redistributors, litter pickers, students and elders collaborating for a climate positive future. ActforEaling is here to support that connection and involvement.

Our stories page illustrates some of the actions ActforEaling has undertaken. Our news page highlights some of the great events going on in the borough and provides seasonal information about steps that you can take to be more sustainable and to protect nature.

We are calling for all individuals, groups and businesses in Ealing to join ActforEaling to share ideas and activities to engage the entire Ealing Community. When it comes to Climate Action and nature restoration, there is something for everyone, whether that is recycling better, learning to save energy (and money), changing the way we get about, reducing our food waste, or even bee keeping!

Please get in touch today to help Ealing reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030 and enable the restoration of nature in the borough. You can sign up to our mailing list here.

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